현대 사회의 복잡하고 다양한 문제는 한 분야의 지식만으로는 해결이 어려우므로 학문분야 간의 융합(convergence)을 통해 새로운 지식이나 아이디어를 창출하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 이러한 시대적 요구에 발맞춰 광고학과 교육학의 학제 간 융합 연구의 가능성을 종합적 메타분석을 통해 탐색해 보았다. 2000년 이후 ‘광고’와 ‘교육’의 키워드를 갖고 학술지에 개제된 132편의 논문을 분석 대상으로 하여 논문의 영역, 연구 목적 및 연구 방법론, 세부 주제, 교육 대상 및 교육에 활용된 광고의 특징을 살펴보았다. 주요한 결과를 살펴보면, 광고와 교육이 만나는 접점은 크게 세 가지 연구 영역, 즉 광고활용교육, 광고교육, 광고비평교육에서 나타났다. 세 영역 중 가장 큰 비중을 차지하고 있는 분야는 광고활용교육 분야의 연구였는데, 광고는 국어, 사회, 미술, 영어, 도덕 등 정규 교과 시간뿐 아니라, 창의성 교육, 한국 문화 교육, 환경 교육 등 특별활동을 위한 교육에서도 활발히 이용되고 있었다. 또한 다수의 연구에서 광고는 고유의 창의적 속성 및 설득 커뮤니케이션 기술, 그리고 사회문화적 요소들로 인해 학습자들의 흥미와 동기를 이끌어 내어 수업 목표를 달성하는 데 유용한 도구가 됨을 밝히고 있다. 이러한 결과에서 나타난 광고와 교육의 효과적인 만남은 곧 광고학과 교육학의 학제 간 융합의 가능성을 시사한다. 이는 광고의 새로운 사회적 기능에 대한 발견일 뿐만 아니라, 지식융합교육의 측면에서도 교육 현장에 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
As knowledge in one field is not sufficient to solve various complicated problems in the modern society, creating new knowledge or ideas through the convergence of different academic fields is needed. In accordance with the demand of the era, this study explored the possibility of convergence research between the study of advertising and education though the overall meta-analysis. 132 studies with key words of advertising and education published in academic journals since 2000 were the subjects of this meta-analysis. The field in which advertising and education meet, the purpose and method of research, subjects for education, and characteristics of advertising used in education were closely examined. Major results include that AIE(Advertising-In-Education), advertising education, and advertising criticism education were major research areas where advertising and education came in contact. Also, many studies revealed that advertising had been used to achieve the course objectives by drawing interest and motivation from learners with elements of advertising such as creative elements, persuasive attributes, communication technique, and sociocultural elements. These results suggest the possibility of interdisciplinary convergence between advertising and education and discover a new social function of advertising. Furthermore, it can have tremendous value in the aspect of knowledge convergence education, which can provide practical assistance in many educational sites.
As knowledge in one field is not sufficient to solve various complicated problems in the modern society, creating new knowledge or ideas through the convergence of different academic fields is needed. In accordance with the demand of the era, this study explored the possibility of convergence research between the study of advertising and education though the overall meta-analysis. 132 studies with key words of advertising and education published in academic journals since 2000 were the subjects of this meta-analysis. The field in which advertising and education meet, the purpose and method of research, subjects for education, and characteristics of advertising used in education were closely examined. Major results include that AIE(Advertising-In-Education), advertising education, and advertising criticism education were major research areas where advertising and education came in contact. Also, many studies revealed that advertising had been used to achieve the course objectives by drawing interest and motivation from learners with elements of advertising such as creative elements, persuasive attributes, communication technique, and sociocultural elements. These results suggest the possibility of interdisciplinary convergence between advertising and education and discover a new social function of advertising. Furthermore, it can have tremendous value in the aspect of knowledge convergence education, which can provide practical assistance in many educational sites.
학제 간 융합
interdisciplinary convergence
knowledge convergence education
advertising education
advertising criticism education