Can Chinese Pastoral Videos be Effective for Promoting Foreign Viewers’ Travel and Word-of-Mouth Intention? Exploring Characteristics of Chinese Influencer, Attributes of Content, and the Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 22 pages| 2024.10.08| 파일형태 :
조회 57 다운로드 0
This study investigates how the attributes of Chinese Pastoral Videos (CPVs) content and the characteristics of CPVs influencer affect viewers through parasocial interaction (PSI) on intention to visit China and intention of Word of Mouth (WoM) about CPVs. Results from an online survey with a US sample (NN = 405) revealed that physical attractiveness and familiarity of CPVs influencer, along with informativeness of CPVs content, were positively associated with travel intention. Only trustworthiness of CPVs influencer was positively associated with WoM intention. Second, physical attractiveness, trustworthiness, and familiarity of CPVs influencer, along with technicality of CPVs content, were positively associated with behavioral PSI. Informativeness, technicality, and entertainment of CPVs content, along with physical attractiveness and familiarity of CPVs influencer, were positively associated with cognitive PSI. Third, cognitive and behavioral PSI were positively related to travel intention and WoM intention. Finally, cognitive PSI significantly mediated the relationships among characteristics of CPVs influencer, attributes of CPVs content, travel intention and WoM intention. Meanwhile, behavioral PSI significantly mediated the relationships among characteristics of CPVs influencer, technicality of CPVs content, travel intention and WoM intention. This study highlights the potential effectiveness of Chinese pastoral videos in promoting cultural export, including cultural diffusion and visits to China.
#Chinese pastoral videos#cultural export#characteristics of influencer#attributes of content#parasocial interaction#behavioral intentioncontent#intention
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