컨조인트 분석에 의한 CCTV 시스템 상품기획에 관한 연구
건국대학교 | 98 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 850 다운로드 0
A corporation needs to keep expanding its business in order to survive and grow in the market and, most of all, needs to keep developing a new product. To lead the success in the market, at least not to fail, they need to catch a customer`s `Needs` & `Wants` precisely and reflect them on a new product development. On this, A Conjoint-analysis is required, which is an epoch-making technique to grasp a customer`s mind accurately. This study takes the case of - A new development in CCTV System, Specially Camera products - under the Conjoint-analysis.`Per each camera group, what is the must preferred attribute by the customers?`, `Per each attribute, how much of part worth does it have among all attribute? `Based on understanding those analyzed data, it has the purpose to develop and successfully launch a new product to correctly meet a customer`s `Needs & Wants` Moreover, this study shows how OUR-products are recognized in the customer`s mind when positioning it with other competitors`, the other way. how the competitors` products are recognized in the market and what position and connection are placed between OUR` and competitors`, What is the ideal attribute the customers consider at most, Which company has reached closely to this attribute. And, it also provides the strategic suggestions after analyzing those data Firstly, the result of positioning map says this. In the positioning map, there are 7 factors for purchasing determination, Brand Reputation, Image Quality, Feature Performance, Easy Installation & Set up, Reliability, A/S, Price. Except Price factor, the other 6 factors are gathered closely together, which imply that the price factor vs. other factors are severely divided into two parts. Among a lot of product-attribute including those 7 factors, Choose any one-factor which can be distinguished from the others and Build up the brand image on this and Stamp its positioning to the customers.
신상품 컨조인트 분석 CCTV 시스템
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