캐릭터 코스튬의 특성 : 테마파크·온라인게임·코스튬플레이를 중심으로
성균관대학교 | 208 pages| 2006.10.01| 파일형태 :
조회 892 다운로드 1
As modern society has entered into the 21st century and the purpose of life has changed from quantitative wealth into qualitative one, culture which includes general activities of the traditional society has become a central part of society. In particular, integration of broadcasting / telecommunication-technologies and integration of contents thanks to development of digital technology have already become one industry. The representative area is Culture Contents Industry. Among culture contents industries leading the trend of global economy and pioneering the so-called the era of cultural explosion, the climax of them is Character Industry. The Character industry is generating added value in all sectors of modern industries ranging from stationery, clothing and food to games, animation, broadcasting and theme park and is evaluated as perfect source of earning structure of cultural contents of 21st century. In the character industry, particularly, from the view of marketing strategy, character has been created for the purpose of artificial and intentional strategy to generate high added value, aiming at economic value like appearing to customers and advertisement effect. It has been described in pictures or photograph using virtual individuals with unique looks. Image and their own name appearing in cartoons, animation, games, fiction, play and myth, or real person like sports stars, singers and movie actors or imaginary creatures such as animals and plants. Distinctive features of the character are like that, from the view of stage costume, there is a thread of connection between made characters and real characters created by communication between characters and actors on the stage. On the other hand, from the perspective of industry, character gives confidence in companies and their products and enables people to encourage faith, sincerity and honesty in their minds. That`s why people` emotional sentiment is constant, even though trust in companies changes. Communication through the medium of character is substantially important. The Most studies on existing characters conducted in the past covered industrial design and advertisement industry.
캐릭터 캐릭터 코스튬 테마파크 테마파크의 캐릭터 온라인게임의 캐릭터 코스튬 코스튬플레이
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