Movie Marketing by Showbox: How to Promote Dachimawa Lee
한국마케팅저널 | 한국마케팅학회 | 20 pages| 2009.09.04| 파일형태 :
조회 1961 다운로드 11
In the summer of 2008, the movie Dachimawa Lee: Villain, Get on the Express to Hell is waiting for its first release. This movie is based on a short film which was tremendously popular when it was first introduced on the internet in 2000, and the director Ryu Seung Wahn is expecting a mega hit of the movie this summer. Showbox is one of the leading movie distributors in Korea. After a series of blockbuster hits such as Welcome to Dongmakgol, The Host, and The Chaser, Showbox is now in stagnation. Along with sluggish economy in Korea, most of recent movies distributed by them didn’t even reach the breakeven. However, expectation on the upcoming movie, Dachimawa Lee, is higher than ever. Marketing department of Showbox has to decide what kind of media channel to choose and which marketing strategy to apply. It needs to make a decision about whether to target the so-called mania group or the general public of much bigger size. In this case study, the distinctiveness of the movie marketing and its process will be discussed. Moreover, the marketing strategies for Dachimawa Lee’s success will be examined in the Showbox’s point of view.
Ⅰ. Outline of Korean Movie Industry
1.1 Past and Present of Korean Movie Industry
1.2 Structure of Korean Movie Industry

Ⅱ. Showbox and its Major Pieces
2.1 History and Overall Condition of Showbox
2.2 Recent Hit Movies

Ⅲ. Movie Marketing
3.1 Major operations and the process of movie marketing
3.2 Marketing Cost

Ⅳ. Rise of Viral Marketing

Ⅴ. Marketing Strategy for Dachimawa Lee

movie marketing targeting positioning internet marketing 영화마케팅 쇼박스 바이럴마케팅 다찌마와리 프로모션
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