발레공연 마케팅요소가 관객만족과 재 관람의도에 미치는 영향
중앙대학교 | 40 pages| 2007.06.01| 파일형태 :
조회 901 다운로드 0
The purpose of this study are finding out the marketing factors of a ballet performance and measuring its effect on audience satisfaction and repurchase Intention. To accomplish such study purpose, this paper used 4P`s(product, place, price, promotion) as the independence variables. Hypotheses of this study are that each of 4P`s has effect on audience satisfaction or repurchase intention, and audience satisfaction has positive effect on repurchase intention for a ballet performance . Data with 123 questionnaires were collected from the Korea National Ballet`s audience at the Seoul Art Center and analyzed by SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 to test hypotheses Factor Analysis, Cronbach`s alpha, and Regression Analysis were applied. The summary of the results are as following. First, both product (artistic merit, theme, fame, equipment & atmosphere) and place (closeness, traffic network, convenient ticketing) among marketing factors had significant effects on audience satisfaction in ballet performance.
공연예술의 사업성 고객만족과 재이용의도 발레공연 마케팅 변수/요인
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