브랜드 충성도에 대한 자아입증성과 자아향상성의 역할
전북대학교 | 189 pages| 2007.02.22| 파일형태 :
조회 1075 다운로드 0
Consumers construct their self-images through brand association, connect the self-images with a particular brand in communicating with others, build their self concepts, and create personal identification. In addition, as the usage of a brand plays a symbolic role reflecting family, community, cultural group, etc. and makes consumers contribute to social goal because it helps consumers express the relation and suitability with social group they belong to. As the association of brand usage is connected with the spiritual symbol of the self, it makes consumers choose a brand representing and creating self-identification. That is, consumers fulfill their desire with using a brand which improves self-verification and self-enhancement, and check how they are associated by others in case they consume a particular brand to communicate themselves with others.
행동적 충성도 태도적 충성도 충성도 자아이미지 브랜드-자아일치성 자아향상성 동기 자아입증성 동기 브랜드 충성도 자아규제 효과
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