한국의 선거보도와 정치광고의 특성에 관한 연구
성균관대학교 | 209 pages| 2005.04.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1055 다운로드 2
The purpose of this study is to analyze the reporting influencing voting and the political advertising as the best election campaign in election, and to explore the tentative model appearing relations of reporting, political advertising and voting. The following is research questions established for this study. Research Question 1: What characteristics is reporting of newspapers and broadcasting media during the period of a presidential election campaign? Research Question 2: What characteristics is political advertising of newspapers and broadcasting media during the period of a presidential election campaign? Research Question 3: What characteristics are contents of political advertising during the period of a presidential election campaign? I conducted a content analysis to solve research questions. The result of research questions is as following.
문헌연구 선거캠페인과 정치광고 유목 결정 선거와 광고
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