광고 윤리성에 대한 광고 생산자와 소비자의 인식에 관한 연구
성균관대학교 | 157 pages| 2008.07.14| 파일형태 :
조회 1403 다운로드 0
The basic objective of this study is to establish the groundwork for advertising ethics by evaluating the perceptions of the advertising source group and advertising audience group by using the coorientation model. In todays world, advertising is not only an economic toot but has become a well-established social institution. As a result more emphasis is placed on social responsibility and this has become the foundation for advertising ethics. To establish advertising ethics, a regulatory approach is important but a perceptual approach is important as well. To date there has been extensive research on advertising ethics using the regulatory approach in Korea, however there hasnt been much research using the perceptual approach.
광고의 본질 상호지향성 모델 상호지향성 모델 적용 윤리성
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