CSR 커뮤니케이션에서 메시지 프레이밍과 공간적 거리 사이의 구조적 적합성 활용
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 21 pages| 2025.02.03| 파일형태 :
조회 46 다운로드 0
Construal level theory (CLT), which describes the relationship between psychological distance and mental construal, has implications for message effects research. We seek to gain clarity in the application of CLT in the context of CSR campaigns by examining the role of the construal fit between message framing and spatial distance to a CSR campaign in generating positive outcomes of CSR communication. A 3 (message framing: why vs. how-company-framed vs. how-beneficiary-framed) x 2 (spatial distance to a CSR campaign: domestic vs. international) between-subjects experiment demonstrated the effects of construal fit between a domestic CSR campaign and how-framed messages on authenticity perception, company trust, and attitudes toward the company. However, these effects were not found in the setting of an international CSR campaign, implying that there is a boundary condition for “construal fit” effects. The present study provides theoretical insights by highlighting how message framing and spatial distance interact to shape consumer perceptions in CSR communication. Practically, the findings provide actionable guidance for practitioners, emphasizing the importance of tailoring message framing based on the spatial proximity of CSR campaigns to create more effective communication strategies.
#construal level theory (CLT)#spatial distance#message framing#corporate social responsibility (CSR) authenticity#company trust#attitudes toward the companyresponsibility company
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