르 쁘띠 왕자, 小王子, 어린 왕자의 프랑스어, 중국어, 영어 청취자들의 신경 반응 공유
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 32 pages| 2025.02.03| 파일형태 :
조회 40 다운로드 0
Across linguistic and cultural divides, humans engage with stories as a central form of communication. Previous studies reveal that when humans listen to the same story told in their native language, their brain activity becomes temporally aligned. This story-evoked alignment of inter-subjective brain processes holds great theoretical signifificance as it points to neural commonalities that underlie communication. Yet, does this collective alignment of brains transcend linguistic boundaries? Analyzing brain responses of French, English, and Chinese speakers exposed to their respective renditions of ‘Le Petit Prince,’ this study reveals alignment across the brain’s default mode network. This network, which is implicated in sense-making and social cognition, exhibits similar spatio-temporal responses regardless of language, suggesting a universal processing framework. Our findings highlight the covert connection stories forge between diverse brains. This underscores the fundamental neurocognitive architecture underlying story processing and the collective impact of stories on human cognition and communication.
#communication neuroscience#collective alignment#mutual understanding#story#listening
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