스포츠미디어의 보도형태와 수용자 인식에 관한 연구
전북대학교 | 177 pages| 2007.08.21| 파일형태 :
조회 2447 다운로드 3
The purpose of the study was to examine how audience recognize different domestic and international sports news reports depending on the media press forms. This paper raised the following questions: 1. What differences exist among press forms in reporting domestic and international sports news? 2. What differences exist among news frames regarding domestic and international sports? 3. What differences exist among thematic frames regarding domestic and international sports? 4. How does an audience recognize the sports news frame? This study used content analysis and questionnaire surveys simultaneously. The content analysis consisted of quantitative and qualitative analysis. On the other hand, the questionnaire was made up of `news frames`, `the effect of news frames`, `the evaluation of the news frames`, `the patterns of using sports media`, and `population statistical variables`. The objects of the study were the `2006 K-league playoffs` and the `2006 world cup Germany`, where the former represented a domestic sports event and the latter an international sports event. The sports news frames used for measurement were KBS and SBS sports broadcasts as well as the sports news articles of such newspapers as Daily Sports, Sports World/ Chosun, and Hangyeolae.
스포츠미디어 뉴스프레임 스포츠미디어(sportsmedia) 민족주의(nationalism) 상업주의(commercialism) 승리지상주의(victory-supermacy) 영웅주의(heroism) 뉴스 프레임(news frame) 이데올로기(ideology) 보도형태(press form) 수용자 인식(recognition of the audience) 2006년 독일 월드컵 2006 K-리그 플레이오프
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