스타마케팅을 적용한 발레 공연 마케팅
세종대학교 | 70 pages| 2006.12.01| 파일형태 :
조회 990 다운로드 3
This paper is to apply the star marketing tool in the field of dance performances marketing. As art theaters and organizations are beginning to come under private management passing away the era that they had maintained depending on the full national supports, and so many performing arts companies and performing arts agencies spring up like mushrooms after rain, the field of art performance tries to apply the various marketing tools day by day. Keeping up with the pace, so-called the fine arts among the field of art performances, such as classical music, dancing performance, is finding the way out by trying to apply the various techniques including media events, all sorts of promotions, internal marketing, do -marketing, etc. According to the circumstance that the competition among performances is becoming fiercer, there are some ways of popularizing the dancing performance and maximizing its audience base by means of applying one of the above mentioned various marketing tools, but then this paper especially focuses on the possibility of the star marketing strategy.
스타마케팅 스타 가치 발레공연 마케팅 아담 쿠퍼
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