글로벌 전자무역 실현을 위한 Single Window 이용에 관한 실증분석 : 통관단일창구 중심으로
한남대학교 | 221 pages| 2007.02.01| 파일형태 :
조회 808 다운로드 0
In the 21st century of borderless and unlimited competition, we achieved the economic kudos as the 12th largest global trading partner, joining the 500 billion-dollar club in terms of trade volume. Despite this, our national competitiveness has not yet matched our status, lagging behind the advanced countries.In this respect, our new national strategy geared up for an advanced trading power and to become North-East Asia`s economic hub is very meaningful, and as being dependent on external trade, we believe that realization of global e-trade will raise our national competitiveness as one of the important core strategies.This research is designed to conduct an empirical analysis into the Single Window as being internationally recognized as the instrument for realization of global 3-trade. It aims to draw measures for improvement and to identify problematic areas via diagnosis of core variants through review of application of the Clearance Single Window and empirical analysis of its key factors. These faclitation measures will help develop the Global Single Window, leading to strengthened national competitiveness.
전자무역 글로벌전자무역 싱글윈도우(Single Window) 통관단일창구 외국의 통관단일창구 도입현황
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