여성의 몸 담론과 성형담론의 상호텍스트성에 관한 연구
성균관대학교 | 194 pages| 2005.04.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1264 다운로드 3
This study on how the discourse in female magazine articles and plastic surgery ads is constructed and on how intertextuality is established between the two examines the way the media discourse changes female readers` ideas and perceptions regarding their bodies. It also investigates what effects the media discourse has on women`s management of their bodies. Subject 1 focuses on how female magazine articles on the body are organized. Subject 2 looks into how the discourse in female magazine ads on plastic surgery is constructed. Subject 3 addresses the intertextuality of the body discourse in female magazine articles and that in plastic surgery ads. This study has been conducted through the semiotics method, by analyzing` “woman Sense” a magazine for married women, and "CeCi " for single women. From subject 1, this study found that the articles subdivide the female body into many small parts. They do not see the body as one, but rather dissect the body from head to toe, highlighting each body part. Second, the articles find faults with the female body Subdivided parts become the target of transformation, and standards for transformation are presented.
여성의 몸 여성잡지 담론분석(analysis of discourse) 성형의 토대화 외모 관리의 일상화
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