정치 소문이 전염되는 이유: 이중 정보 처리 경로를 통한 SNS 정치 소문 유포의 3인칭 효과
Asian Communication Research |
한국언론학회 |
21 pages|
파일형태 :

This study investigates the psychological and cognitive mechanisms underlying political rumor dissemination on SNS in South Korea by synthesizing three theoretical frameworks: framing, the third-person effect (TPE), and the elaboration likelihood model (ELM). We conducted an online experiment (N=800) examining how different rumor frames (character vs. competence) influence rumor dissemination. The results demonstrate that participants exposed to character-framed rumors, compared to competence-framed ones, were more likely to exhibit TPE, perceiving others as more susceptible to the rumor’s inflfluence than themselves. Path analysis revealed signifificant indirect effffects, with character framing inflfluencing SNS dissemination intention through TPE and both peripheral and central routes of ELM. These findings advance our theoretical understanding of rumor dissemination by revealing the complex interplay between message framing, perceived inflfluence on others, and dual information processing routes. The study also enriches the literature on political rumor framing effffects by demonstrating how difffferent trait qualififications shape sharing behavior on social media, suggesting that character-framed political rumors may be particularly inflfluential in digital environments.
#political rumor#SNS#third person effffect#elaboration likelihood mode#frame
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