K-팝 디아스포라와 초국적 K-팝 외국인 K-팝 아이돌의 역설, 그리고 한국 언론의 인종과 성별 착취
Asian Communication Research |
한국언론학회 |
19 pages|
파일형태 :

This paper aims to reveal the paradox of K-pop by looking at foreigner (oe-gug-in) K-pop idols. The paradox is that although K-pop strives to reach the global, ) some elements remain strictly national, one of which is the expectations toward the ethnicity of the K-pop idols. This paper argues that the experiences of oe-gug-in K-pop idols, and especially female idols, are colonizing because the Korean media exploit their foreignness and manufactures it into a spectacle. This is part of the long tradition of Korean media reinforcing Korea’s national project that strengthens the cultural and ethnic superiority of Koreanness. Thus, this paper argues that oe-gug-in K-pop idols are not simply immigrants but subjects of a K-pop diaspora. With an emphasis on race and gender, this paper conducted textual analysis on a compilation video of female oe-gug-in K-pop idols that appeared in the famous Korean television program Knowing Brothers Knowing Brothers. This paper analyzed that female oe-gug-in idols are infantilized, silenced, exoticized, and fetishized by the Korean media, and ultimately othered as foreigners. This paper concludes that acknowledging oe-gug-in K-pop idols as subjects of diaspora will help understand the dark sides of K-pop that try to hide under glamor and entertainment.
The Unique Position of Oe-gug-ins Created by the Korean Media
Oe-gug-ins, the Korean Media, and Pop Culture Nationalism
K-pop Diaspora and the Diasporic Identity of Oe-gug-in K-pop Idols
Textual Analysis of Oe-gug-in Female K-pop Idols in Knowing Brothers
Foreignness as Spectacle
Oe-gug-ins, the Korean Media, and Pop Culture Nationalism
K-pop Diaspora and the Diasporic Identity of Oe-gug-in K-pop Idols
Textual Analysis of Oe-gug-in Female K-pop Idols in Knowing Brothers
Foreignness as Spectacle
#K-pop#diaspora#foreigner K-pop idols#race#gender#Korean media
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