소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서의 K-팝 팬덤 활동과 문화 개방성 간의 관계: 중재자로서의 K-Wave에 대한 태도
Asian Communication Research | 한국언론학회 | 25 pages| 2025.02.03| 파일형태 :
조회 36 다운로드 0
This study explores the relationship between engagement in K-pop fandom activities, K-wave perceptions, and cultural openness, particularly among international K-pop fans active on social media platforms. It adopts a transnational perspective to understand its broader implications. We empirically examine whether engagement levels differences within K-pop fandom activities affect individuals’ perceptions and attitudes. Through the mediating role of the K-wave’s impact, our findings indicate that active engagement in fandom activities positively correlates with cultural openness, directly and indirectly. By immersing themselves in K-pop fandom communities, individuals experience heightened exposure to diverse cultural elements encapsulated in the K-wave, resulting in a more open-minded attitude toward other cultures. This suggests that the K-wave, facilitated by social media and digital platforms, not only serves as entertainment but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. This study discourses on the role of K-wave in shaping global society. It underscores the significance of examining its impact from a transnational lens. Shedding light on the relationship between engagement in K-pop fandom activities, K-wave perceptions, and cultural openness, offers insights into the evolving dynamics of global cultural exchange. Furthermore, it provides implications for the future trajectory of K-wave as a cultural force in the global arena.
#K-wave#K-pop#fandom#cultural openness#global citizenship#social media
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