비공식 서사 제공자: K-팝 아이돌 문화의 맥락에서 본 '옴마' 문화 개요
Asian Communication Research |
한국언론학회 |
15 pages|
파일형태 :

Homma, a distinct group of fans within the K-pop culture, devotes itself to capturing and sharing images of beloved celebrities through high-quality photography and skilled retouching. Although often labeled as fan paparazzi or stalker fans, K-pop fan communities generally regard Homma with respect, recognizing them as vital contributors to celebrity photography consumption. Despite its cultural significance, Homma remains understudied by K-pop scholars. This research explores the dynamic relationships between Homma and the K-pop industry and the fan community within the domestic K-pop landscape. Drawing on the literature on celebrity studies and celebrity narratives, I argue Homma format, as an informal narrative provider contextualized in the celebrity-narrative centered K-pop idol industry, not only serves as an essential source of the collective narrative in the fan community but also takes the promotional roles selling their beloved celebrities to the other audience. This study will primarily be based on my empirical studies in South Korea (from 2016?2019) and online participatory observation in the K-pop fan communities (from 2016 till now), as well as a semi-constructed interview with a current active Homma in Seoul, South Korea.
An Overview of Homma Literature
Celebrity and Celebrity Narratives
Contextualizing Homma in K-Pop Idol Culture
Homma Format: An Informal Narrative
Celebrity and Celebrity Narratives
Contextualizing Homma in K-Pop Idol Culture
Homma Format: An Informal Narrative
#K-pop idol culture#Homma#K-pop industry#fan studies#celebrity studies#celebrity photographspho
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