Bengal Speech and Hearing: TromboneClip, FluteNail, LuteKey 2016.12.26 12:00
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Bengal Speech and Hearing: TromboneClip, FluteNail, LuteKey
트럼펫, 플룻, 열쇠 이미지가 보입니다. 이 세가지의 사물들은 연주할 때, 문을 잠그고 열 때 각자의 소리가 있습니다. 그렇지만 듣지 못한다면 사물들의 소리를 들을 수 없습니다. 'Bengal Speech and Hearing'은 사물들을 보여주면 자사의 제품을 사용한다면 모든 사물의 소리를 들을 수 있다는 메시지를 전달해주는 것 같습니다.



Hearing Plus, a range of advanced hearing aid helps people with hearing impairments by amplifying sounds and giving excellent clarity. So that even the smallest of noises sound like pitch perfect music to the ears. Agency: JWT Kolkata
Media: Print
Category: Pharmaceutical & medical
Client: Bengal Speech and Hearing/ Hearing Plus Hearing Aid
Agency: JWT Kolkata
Country: India
Chief Creative Officer: Senthil Kumar
Executive Creative Director: Arjun Mukherjee
Creative Director: Diptanshu Roy
Creative Director: Nabendu Saha
Art Director: Sougata Banerjee
Copywriter: anurag acharya
Illustrator: Thomas Lai
Business Director: Sayam Bhadra
The Print Ad titled TromboneClip was done by J. Walter Thompson Kolkata advertising agency for brand: Bengal Speech and Hearing in India. It was released in the Dec 2016.
Trombone ·  Nail ·  Key ·  Hearing · 
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