Direccion nacional de bomberos: Bottle, Cigarette, Matchstick 2016.12.20 12:00
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Direccion nacional de bomberos: Bottle, Cigarette, Matchstick
빈병과 담배, 성냥이 모두 타버린 모습이 보입니다. 자세히 보니 숲과 나무들이 화재로인해 모두 타버린 모습이 보입니다. 이런한 모습을 보이고 있는 것은 우루과이에서 화재가 많이 일어 나무들이 많이 없어졌기 때문입니다. 'Direccion nacional de bomberos'에서 나무를 아끼고, 작은 화재도 감시하자는 메시지를 전달해주고 있습니다.



Category: Public Interest, NGO
Media: Print
Brand: Dirección Nacional de Bomberos
Agency: DDB
Geo: Uruguay
Advertising Agency: DDB, Uruguay
Creative Director: Pedro Astol
Art Director: Federico Corbo
Copywriters: Agustín Correa, Matías Salisburi
Illustrators: Giovanna Pastorinno, Gonzalo Di Lorenzo
3D & Motion Graphics: Morphine
Published: December 2016
In the last 5 years, more than 20,000 hectares of forest were lost in fires caused by small oversights.
The Print Ad titled Matchstick was done by DDB Montevideo advertising agency for brand: Dirección Nacional de Bomberos in Uruguay. It was released in the Dec 2016.
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